Effective cloud management in practice

Cloud governance as a new task for architecture management

The ever-increasing digitization allows the creation of new business models. It is also a means of differentiating existing business models more strongly: Digital offerings make your own portfolio more attractive and can differentiate it more clearly from your competitors’ portfolios.

A key success factor here is IT management and its ability to shape its own IT landscapes. IT landscapes must be able to cope with the repeated creation and change of business models. They must at least be able to keep up with the pace of business. Ideally, IT management is the source of ideas for business models and actively prepares changes.

In order to implement this effectively, IT portfolio management or architecture management is required. Supported by special software tools, this brings together all the facts about the IT landscapes that are relevant to analysis and planning. They are used to record the current situation of the architecture, support the analysis and development of specifications and principles for the architecture and enable the planning of changes to the IT landscapes through projects.

From a technical perspective, there are many options available to support business models: In addition to the virtualization of servers, tools for the provisioning and continuous deployment of applications and the use of extensive services from the global network, a key option is the use of services from the cloud.

The advantages of the cloud are well known: IT resources (computing power, storage space, services, etc.) can be used flexibly and deployed according to actual demand. This can reduce IT costs.

Cloud use must also be taken into account in companies’ architecture management. If more and more applications are running directly in the cloud and existing applications are being converted from on-premise solutions to hybrid solutions, architecture management must be able to provide specifications and plan and support the implementation.

Problems for cloud governance

The effects of a lack of cloud governance can be observed in business practice. At the same time, developments are emerging that can be controlled by well-designed cloud governance:

  • Architecture management is not always involved in a company’s activities in the cloud. Departments experiment with cloud offerings or move applications that are already in productive use to the cloud without the involvement and knowledge of the architects. What is missing are principles and guidelines from the architecture management side, e.g. which cloud service providers should even be considered, which technology stacks should be used in the cloud, etc.

  • In addition to the question of architectural principles, it is also important to incorporate cloud usage into IT service processes. Only by integrating it into the application and approval processes for IT resources can it be ensured that the architecture principles are also implemented company-wide.
  • Companies must be able to adapt their IT and IT management to new legal requirements and be accountable for them (see, for example, the recently adopted General Data Protection Regulation). Cloud governance helps to determine where applications may be installed at all based on their data protection requirements and also to check whether this is actually the case.

If these aspects are not addressed by cloud governance, the advantages of the cloud (i.e. flexible use, standardization and lower IT costs) cannot be realized or can only be realized to a limited extent. In addition, there may be fines or similar resulting from the above-mentioned legal requirements.

Companies are increasingly recognizing this as a field of action. This is why companies – including automotive suppliers and large banks – have been building up architecture management capacities for several years. The topics of cloud and data protection in particular are making companies realize the central importance of architecture management.

Steps to implement cloud governance

There are various steps to go through when setting up cloud governance. The effort involved depends on how well-developed the IT portfolio management processes already are in a company and the extent to which they are already supported by software tools.

(1) Define use cases

The first question is the use case, i.e. what cloud governance is specifically intended to achieve. For example, is it initially about creating transparency as to who is currently using which cloud resources for what? Should an analysis of the cloud capability of existing applications be carried out in order to draw up a technical cloud strategy (which applications are suitable for use in the cloud and how are they transferred from on-premise to the cloud)? Or do the business have concrete ideas for cloud-based IT and what changes does this mean for the current IT landscape?

(2) Integrate into architecture management

A meaningful concept for cloud governance, including the development of specific tasks and processes (for applying for cloud resources, data maintenance, approvals, etc.) and the definition of responsibilities, is only possible on the basis of specific use cases. The concept should therefore also include an examination of the current state of architecture management in the company. Cloud governance is a task of architecture management and must be integrated into it.

(3) Create technical support

For mapping, analyzing and planning the IT landscape, support with tools specially tailored to architecture management (e.g. Alfabet, LeanIX, ADOit) is recommended. The tool should be configured according to the previously defined use cases. For example, the tools can be equipped with adapters to retrieve information from cloud service providers and integrate it into the overview of the IT architecture and the associated reporting (see illustration).

These tools can also be used to set up workflows in order to automate certain architecture management tasks. Finally, EAM employees also need to be trained in the concept and, in particular, the use of architecture tools.

Concrete approaches for the implementation of cloud governance at a large automotive supplier were presented to the public at the EAMKON 20017 architecture conference.

Cloud governance is the enabler of the cloud strategy

Cloud governance creates structures and processes that incorporate cloud resources into the overall IT landscape. This enables cost control of these resources and the planning and implementation of architectural standards for the IT landscape. This also creates the basis for analyzing cloud resources, including them in management reporting and developing strategies for cloud use in the company for existing and new business models on this basis.

Architecture management, and cloud governance in particular, is therefore no longer limited to planning aspects alone, but is becoming an effective management tool for a company’s cloud strategy.

Cloud governance as an introduction to comprehensive architecture management

Cloud governance can be the first step towards the universal use of architecture management. Architecture management is initially used here for the long-term planning of IT development (both cloud and on-premise). This also involves deciding which IT providers should be selected for the provision of IT resources and which technologies or technology stacks should be used. Based on this, the necessary IT capacities can be planned and procured in shorter time cycles. Ideally, the specific requirements for the deployment of applications and the network infrastructure should be derived from the above considerations as technical descriptions (e.g. as a Docker file) and made available to IT service management, which can then carry out the deployment automatically if necessary. With ongoing monitoring of actual usage and the costs incurred (cloud providers now provide extensive information on this), capacities can be adjusted at short notice. Tactical or strategic IT adjustments can be made with renewed (even partial) development planning.

This makes architecture management the central capability of IT management and thus also for the digitalization of a company.

Even though fixed rules are rather inappropriate at this point, we would like to give you some tips for a successful application:
Your cover letter is your business card. It gives you the opportunity to tell us about your motivation and career aspirations. And we gain a first impression of you as a person. Ideally, the cover letter should not exceed one page in length. A good cover letter should always shed light on our cooperation from everyone’s point of view, i.e. what you are looking for, what you have to offer and the reasons why you can imagine CTI as a potential employer.

Your resume should demonstrate your ability to structure and focus on the essential elements. In addition to the solid variables of your education and work history, we would like to get an idea of your personality and personal motivations at this point.

In addition, you can send us relevant references and certifications.

Send us your complete application documents by e-mail to personal(at)cti-consulting.de or via the application form on our jobs page. If you have any questions, we are also available by phone at +49 561 94272-0.

Upon receipt of your application, we will immediately send you a confirmation of receipt.
Your documents will then be reviewed by HR management and forwarded to the area manager relevant to you, who will decide whether to invite you for a first interview.

As a candidate for a position in consulting, we typically hold two interviews with you. First, the manager responsible for the relevant area will be waiting for you and will discuss with you general questions as well as your previous consulting work and professional background.
In order to come to a joint decision on a cooperation, a second meeting will follow. On the part of CTI you will get to know the executive board.

First of all, very friendly and professional people, with admittedly quite high standards.

As a candidate for a position in consulting, we typically have two interviews with you. First, the manager responsible for the area relevant to you will be waiting for you and, in addition to general questions, will discuss with you your previous consulting work and professional background.

Here you can present yourself and your achievements as you see fit, emphasize the right areas of focus, and use your words to describe your career path to date. Since the presentation is always an important form of communication with the customer, you can directly demonstrate your skills in this regard.

In addition to your professional skills, we would also like to get to know you as a person.

During this interview, we will be happy to answer all your questions about the position and the working environment.

In order to come to a decision about a cooperation together with you, a second interview will follow. Here you will get to know the board of directors of CTI. For this interview, you will prepare a presentation on one of our consulting topics, preferably in English. You can determine the topic individually in the first interview with your coach and also help to shape it!

In order to come to a decision about a cooperation together with you, a second meeting will follow. On the part of CTI, you will get to know the management board here. For this interview, you will prepare a substantive presentation on one of our consulting topics, preferably in English. You can determine the topic individually in the first interview with your coach and also help to shape it!

In addition, we will clarify any unanswered questions and would especially like to get to know your motivators and goals. Only those who look in the same direction will reach their goal together.

In addition, we will shed light on all relevant questions regarding your employment, i.e. compensation, working hours, subject area, etc.

Leaders at CTI are managers and experienced project leaders who have gone through the Management Preparation Program. Such a professionally experienced colleague with consulting and leadership experience is then permanently available to you as your coach.

Your disciplinary supervisor is called a “coach” at our company, and for a special reason. Your coach feels responsible for your personal development throughout your career path at CTI and is also available to answer any personal questions you may have.

Your coach will meet with you for two formal employee reviews per year, which will address your feedback and in turn provide feedback on your performance. In addition, your development over the next three years will be explicitly planned and personal goals agreed upon. In addition to these fixed appointments, your coach is always available to answer questions and provide assistance, so you will typically meet much more frequently.

Your coach is also responsible for the coordination of your project assignment and your further training and for this reason is in close coordination with your colleagues in the staffing department as well as with the consultants who support you on the “specialist coaching” side.

Basically, the principle of the open door applies at CTI and thus the management board always has an open ear for your ideas or also problems.

Yes, as a successful consultant, we will let you share in the financial success of our company. Your performance, commitment and leadership qualities are reflected in your salary and career development.
At the level of younger consultants, these are primarily participations in the achievement of personal goals; from the level of project managers and management, we will jointly consider and remunerate primarily consulting and corporate goals, respectively their achievement.

From the consultant level of project manager onwards, you will receive a company car on request with the option of using it privately.

On the first day, you will be welcomed by your responsible manager, the person who will accompany you as your coach over the next few years at CTI. In addition, our office management and IT administration will help you to navigate the typical shoals of the new processes and IT landscape directly on the first day.

By the end of the day, you will be familiar with the relevant infrastructure, equipped with your work tools such as notebook and smartphone, and already familiarized with CTI’s most important sources of information, so that you will be able to gather more in-depth information very quickly on your own over the next few days.

And above all, you already know some of your new colleagues, because you can’t miss the joint lunch.

The first project is then, according to your previous knowledge, very quickly on the doorstep, but not without you having been extensively briefed by the respective project manager.

Führungskräfte bei der CTI sind Manager und erfahrene Projektleiter, die das Management Preparation Program durchlaufen haben. Ein solcher fachlich versierter und beratungs- und führungsseitig erfahrener Kollege steht Ihnen dann dauerhaft als Ihr Coach zur Verfügung.

Ihr disziplinarer Vorgesetzter heißt bei uns „Coach“ und dies aus besonderem Grund. Ihr Coach fühlt sich für Ihre persönliche Entwicklung auf Ihrem gesamten Karriereweg bei der CTI verantwortlich und steht Ihnen auch für persönliche Fragestellungen zur Verfügung.

Ihr Coach trifft sich mit Ihnen zu zwei offiziellen Mitarbeitergesprächen pro Jahr, die Ihr Feedback aufgreifen und Ihnen wiederum  Feedback zu Ihren Leistungen geben. Zudem wird Ihre Entwicklung in den nächsten drei Jahren explizit geplant und persönliche Ziele vereinbart. Neben diesen festen Terminen steht Ihnen Ihr Coach jederzeit für Fragen und Hilfestellungen zur Verfügung, so dass Sie sich üblicherweise sehr viel häufiger treffen werden.

Ihr Coach ist zudem für die Koordination Ihres Projekteinsatzes und Ihrer Weiterbildung verantwortlich und steht aus diesem Grunde in enger Abstimmung mit den Kollegen des Staffings sowie den Beratern, die Sie auf Seiten des „Fachcoachings“ betreuen.


Grundsätzlich gilt bei CTI das Prinzip der offenen Tür und so hat auch der Vorstand stets ein offenes Ohr für Ihre Ideen oder auch Probleme.

Ja, als erfolgreichen Berater beteiligen wir Sie am finanziellen Erfolg unseres Unternehmens. Dabei spiegeln sich Ihre erbrachten Leistungen, Engagement sowie Ihre Führungsqualitäten in Ihrer Gehalts- und Karrieresituation wider.
Auf Ebene der jüngeren Consultants sind dies primär Beteiligungen die Erreichung persönlicher Ziele, ab der Ebene der Projektleiter und des Managements werden wir gemeinsam primär Beratungs- und Unternehmensziele, respektive deren Erreichung betrachten und vergüten.


Ab dem Beraterlevel Projektleiter erhalten Sie auf Wunsch einen entsprechenden Dienstwagen mit der Möglichkeit diesen auch privat nutzen zu können.

Am ersten Tag empfängt Sie Ihre zuständige Führungskraft, der Mensch der Sie in den nächsten Jahren bei CTI als Ihr Coach begleiten wird. Zudem helfen Ihnen unser Office Management und die IT-Administration direkt am ersten Tag die typischen Untiefen der neuen Prozesse und IT-Landschaft zu umschiffen.

Am Ende des Tages kennen Sie die relevante Infrastruktur, sind mit Ihren Arbeitsmitteln wie Notebook und Smartphone ausgestattet und sind bereits in die wichtigsten Informationsquellen der CTI eingewiesen, so dass Sie sich in den nächsten Tagen eigenständig sehr schnell tiefergehend informieren können.

Und vor allem kennen Sie bereits einige der neuen Kollegen, denn dem gemeinsamen Mittagsessen können Sie nicht entgehen.

Das erste Projekt steht dann, ganz nach Ihren Vorkenntnissen, sehr schnell vor der Tür, nicht jedoch ohne dass Sie ausgiebig durch den jeweiligen Projektleiter gebrieft worden sind.


Um gemeinsam mit Ihnen zu einer Entscheidung über eine Zusammenarbeit zu kommen, folgt ein zweites Gespräch. Seitens CTI werden Sie hier den Vorstand kennenlernen. Für dieses Gespräch bereiten Sie eine inhaltliche Präsentation zu einem unserer Beratungsthemen vor, vorzugsweise auf Englisch. Das Thema können Sie ganz individuell im ersten Vorstellungsgespräch mit Ihrem Coach festlegen und auch mitgestalten!

Darüber hinaus klären wir alle noch offenen Fragen und möchten insbesondere Ihre Motivatoren und Ziele kennenlernen. Nur wer in die gleiche Richtung blickt, kommt auch gemeinsam ans Ziel.

Außerdem beleuchten wir alle relevanten Fragen im Bezug auf Ihren Anstellung, d.h. Vergütung, Arbeitszeit, Themenbereich etc.

Nach Eingang Ihrer Bewerbung senden wir Ihnen sofort eine Eingangsbestätigung zu.
Ihre Unterlagen werden dann durch die Personalleitung gesichtet und an den für Sie relevanten Bereichsverantwortlichen weitergeleitet, der über eine Einladung zum ersten Vorstellungsgespräch entscheidet.

Als Kandidat auf eine Stelle im Bereich der Beratung führen wir typischerweise zwei Gespräche mit Ihnen. Zunächst erwartet Sie der für den relevanten Bereich verantwortliche Manager und wird mit Ihnen neben allgemeinen Fragestellungen auch Ihre bisherige Beratungstätigkeit sowie fachliche Vorbildung besprechen.
Um gemeinsam mit Ihnen zu einer Entscheidung über eine Zusammenarbeit zu kommen, folgt ein zweites Gespräch. Seitens CTI werden Sie hier den Vorstand kennenlernen.

Zunächst einmal sehr freundliche und professionelle Menschen, mit zugegebenermaßen recht hohen Ansprüchen.

Als Kandidat auf eine Stelle im Bereich der Beratung führen wir typischerweise zwei Gespräche mit Ihnen. Zunächst erwartet Sie der für den für Sie relevanten Bereich verantwortliche Manager und wird mit Ihnen neben allgemeinen Fragestellungen auch Ihre bisherige Beratungstätigkeit sowie fachliche Vorbildung besprechen.

Hier können Sie sich und Ihre Leistungen nach Belieben vorstellen, Wert auf die richtigen Schwerpunkte legen und mit Ihren Worten Ihren bisherigen Karriereweg beschreiben. Da die Präsentation auch immer eine wichtige Kommunikationsform beim Kunden darstellt, können Sie Ihre diesbezüglichen Fähigkeiten direkt unter Beweis stellen.

Neben Ihren fachlichen Fähigkeiten möchten wir Sie aber vor allem auch als Mensch kennenlernen.

Im Rahmen dieses Gespräches beantworten wir gern all Ihre Fragen zur Position und zum Arbeitsumfeld.

Um gemeinsam mit Ihnen zu einer Entscheidung über eine Zusammenarbeit zu kommen, folgt ein zweites Gespräch. Seitens CTI werden Sie hier den Vorstand kennenlernen. Für dieses Gespräch bereiten Sie eine inhaltliche Präsentation zu einem unserer Beratungsthemen vor, vorzugsweise auf Englisch. Das Thema können Sie ganz individuell im ersten Vorstellungsgespräch mit Ihrem Coach festlegen und auch mitgestalten!

Auch wenn feste Regeln an dieser Stelle eher unangebracht sind, so möchten wir Ihnen doch einige Hinweise für eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung nicht vorenthalten:
Ihr Anschreiben ist Ihre Visitenkarte. Sie haben darin die Möglichkeit, uns von Ihrer Motivation und Ihren beruflichen Wünschen zu berichten. Und wir gewinnen einen ersten Eindruck von Ihrer Person. Am besten sollte das Anschreiben eine Seite im Umfang nicht überschreiten. Ein gutes Anschreiben sollte immer unsere Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht aller Beteiligten beleuchten, d.h. was Sie suchen, was Sie bieten und die Gründe, warum Sie sich CTI als potenziellen Arbeitgeber vorstellen können.

Ihr Lebenslauf sollte Ihre Fähigkeit zur Strukturierung und zur Fokussierung auf die wesentlichen Elemente aufzeigen. Neben den festen Größen Ihrer Ausbildung und Ihres beruflichen Werdegangs möchten wir an dieser Stelle auch eine Vorstellung von Ihrer Persönlichkeit und von Ihren persönlichen Beweggründen gewinnen.

Zusätzlich können Sie uns relevante Zeugnisse und Zertifizierungen zukommen lassen.

Lassen Sie uns Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen per E-Mail an personal(at)cti-consulting.de oder über das Bewerbungsformular auf unserer Jobs-Page zukommen. Bei eventuellen Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen auch telefonisch unter +49 561 94272-0 zur Verfügung.