Transparency in SAP® landscapes as the basis for successful risk prevention and successful negotiations on indirect use
Over the last 24 months, SAP has targeted its customers for direct and indirect use. The differences between direct and indirect use are briefly described below.
Direct use as defined by SAP is when a defined user connects SAP software with SAP software.
For example, an SAP customer combines a standard module such as Materials Management with Self-Service Procurement. This means that an employee orders an office item in Materials Management. This data is then transferred to the Self-Service Procurement system. In this way, the purchasing department can create an order with the supplier. To do this, the employee needs an SAP employee license and the purchaser must have at least a Limited Professional User or a user with similar rights. If these requirements are met, no additional licensing is required.
According to SAP, indirect use occurs when a defined user connects SAP software with non-SAP software or vice versa. Indirect use occurs when data is exchanged from SAP to non-SAP or vice versa.
For example, the employee mentioned above orders material again via SAP Materials Management. This data is now transferred to a non-SAP system because the company’s requirements are not covered by SAP functions. The non-SAP is easy to use, offers a powerful and error-tolerant search function with suggestions through the system and offers a self-service where the user can design his own user interface. The employee in the purchasing department, who does not have an SAP user, now accesses materials management from a non-SAP B2B so that the order can be created.
In this particular case, SAP understands that this means that the purchaser requires either a Platform User License or SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications. SAP customers must purchase these either on the basis of users or CPUs/cores. Mixing metrics is not permitted.
This is also necessary for test users who simulate load tests. Another complicating factor is that peak loads are used for the license evaluation.
This means that maximum figures apply and it is up to the customer to determine the maximum number of CPUs/cores, for example, in a kind of self-disclosure. For this reason, companies have to carry out these evaluations themselves – manually or with the help of tools.
The scenarios described above apply to almost every SAP customer. The SAP landscape has grown massively over the decades of its use. This growth relates to both the number of SAP systems and the number of interfaces between SAP-SAP and SAP-non-SAP systems.
This is precisely the problem for SAP customers: There is a lack of corresponding transparency in the SAP landscape. The SAP Solution Manager developed by SAP for the operation of an SAP landscape does not help here, as it cannot provide the relevant information. Collecting the relevant data on the basis of manual activities is neither time-consuming nor financially feasible. In addition, the SAP landscape is subject to constant change. These changes must always be tracked and documented from an economic point of view.
In order to create this transparency in terms of time and cost, CTI has developed the CTI Landscape Analyzer for SAP Solutions (LA4SAP) and had it certified by SAP.
The Landscape Analyzer makes it possible to generate a uniform view of all business-relevant information objects within a highly complex SAP landscape in the shortest possible time. Information is derived from the data that is fully compatible with SAP technology and uses standard SAP functionality.
Using the collected data and importing it into EAM software leads to the desired result. The SAP customer can now display and evaluate his reports on the use and utilization of the SAP modules and the interfaces to SAP and non-SAP systems. They can also repeat the analysis of their SAP system at any time and transfer it to the EAM software so that they can track the changes in their SAP landscape at any time.
This information helps the customer to analyze the surveys evaluated by SAP. In addition, this is the basis for more knowledge about their own SAP landscape.
In summary, this is a perfect basis for entering into contract negotiations with SAP.